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Design Capability


Design Capability

Design expertise comes from being in the 'trenches' of real-world packaging problems and solutions. Technology packaging requires many disciplines to achieve the proper form, function and reliability for the application. Complex devices require unique solutions for packaging while minimizing cost and development time. Design considerations include an array of choices for materials, processes and qualification that can be simplified with the help of our experience and tools. Design tools are available for literally all package types including leadframe, QFN, BGA, organic and hermetics. Auto-layout and wire bond routing in 3D is available for single and multi- or stacked-chip designs.  Full 3D modeling and simulation, parameter extraction and thermo-mechanical analysis support during the design phase.


End-to End Design Flow

Initially, data is collected on the device, application environment, performance requirements and qualification level. Desired characteristics such as cost, geometry and schedule are captured along with the customers vision of the final product. When a clear understanding of the entire application is gained, design options are discussed with suggestions on materials, form-factor, assembly options, suppliers, cost and timeline. Short and long-term goals are stated and technical milestones are defined.

0th Order Design
With the information provided by the customer, design options are presented. Input includes schematics, netlists, chip xy plots and dimensions and other pertinent data. From these options, the best fit for the product is determined. Basic performance is estimated for the assembly and problem areas are defined. Critical performance parameters are defined and options for modeling and characterization are discussed. Assembly processes and materials are recommended. After reviewing the design options the customer chooses a design path with the desired characteristics and acceptable tradeoffs. The extent of performance characterization and modeling is agreed upon and the initial design decisions are documented.

1st Order Design
In this phase of the project the design is further developed and the first producible design is generated in concert with customer engineering. Models, characterizations and reliability predictions are generated and the results are reviewed and approved. Materials suppliers and assembly services are selected based on the customer needs keeping transition to production in mind. Initial process parameters are defined. Cost models are developed and target costs for prototype and production are developed. RFQ are generated and prototype houses are reviewed for capability and history. Production partners are reviewed.

Prototype Phase
Once the assembly provider is selected, quotes are in and budgets are established and approved, work begins with prototype assembly. Lot sizes are determined based on reliability and test requirements. All bond diagrams, routing, package mechanical drawings and assembly specifications required by the assembly supplier are generated and reviewed for accuracy and completeness. Materials are ordered and and timelines are set for first articles.

Test and Reliability Phase
When the first articles are complete, the lots are broken out into the reliability and test operations. Minimum sample quantities are tested to determine performance characteristics and reliability behavior. Based on the results of these tests, any problem areas are approached and solutions are discussed. At some point during the reliability tests the risk for failure is assessed and plans for the final design can be completed.

Final Design Phase
Once all of the performance, cost, reliability and supplier issues are fixed the final design review is held. Upon approval detailed first production quantities and expected yield are determined and refined cost models are presented. All processes are documented and signed off. Package drawings, customer part numbers, model and test results and all other required documentation and qualification specifications are checked and approved. During this time, selected production partners are audited and on-site inspections are carried out where needed. The production partner is selected.

Production Phase
The transfer team personnel have been selected and production dates and quantities are set. The engineering resources, documentation package, supply chains and production schedules are fixed. The transition team works at the production site to transfer the process, observe working practices, collect failure data and samples for analysis, and approve the production process at the selected facility

Design Tools

Package Science Services has a wide array of tools for design

    • Mechanical Drawing and 3D Model Design

    Autocad, SolidWorks and Pro-E

    • Electrical Design, Measurement and Analysis

    Agilent ADS, SPHINX, iConnect, Ansoft HFSS, WinCal

    Layout Tools

    Complete package design; leadframe, QFN, BGA, Stacked and TSV

      • Cad Design EPD Master Design Suite

      • Mechanical Drawing and 3D Model Design

      Autocad, SolidWorks and Pro-E

      PADS-PCB, Mentor Graphics

Thermal Characterization and Modeling

Thermal modeling tools

  •  COSMOS, , Flotherm


Complete thermal and electrical characterization labs.


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